Never killed, or maimed. Actually never even been in a fight.
Well, got beat on in school a couple of times, but that worked out quite well since the girls really liked that I wouldn't strike back.
Been in a jail cell once, during an open house at the local Sheriff's office where I was a volunteer. With a perfectly clean record, they had no idea who they had trusted with some responsibility.
I've run from cops, and almost ran over one, twice. That's a pretty funny story actually. But the key is obviously not to get caught.
And just the other day someone couldn't understand why I insisted on having a fire extinguisher mounted where I could reach it even if the vehicle was on its side or upside down. Guess I'm just used to ending up in such situations, I said. Judging by his reaction, I might as well have said that I was from Mars.
But it's a good thing we're all different, or it'd be really boring. I do get bored very easily.
Doesn't sound like you have any worries about writing a book then. The men in blue are not sending a swat team for you because of a few stupid mistakes. My run ins with the police were mostly as a youth, so thank God that didn't follow me into adult life as a bad record. Heck they already had me cornered when I ran, there was no need to taser me...but I pissed them off because they had to run, and I guess part of the being mad for making them run, was that they got the enjoyment of tasering me lol. It was a way of expressing to me they were really unhappy about having to run 😂
I honestly don't remember what I said when caught, but I had been drinking, and was likely a bit mouthy, so who knows I may have made a comment about them needing the exercise to work off the donuts to, or something. So that I'm sure made them even happier to taser me. But at the time, in my head, I was certain that I could outrun them, especially in a park. Ps. Cops will drive their cars through a park, and aren't worried about hurting the grass, incase anyone was wondering. They caught my friend to, it sounds like she was a lot easier to catch than I was, and she wasn't tasered. We were in a park, it was the middle of the night, on the swings, drinking beer. The original two officers told us to drop our beers and get off the swings, and then stand still, i read that in the police report, its a little fuzzy in my actual memory though. Instead apparently I guzzled the rest of my beer, tossed the can in the direction of the Officers, yelled run at my friend Diana, jumped off the swing, hit the ground, rolled, got up, and took off running across the park. LA has a lot of cops, it wasn't very long before it was a lot more than the original 2 chasing me. So let this be a lesson to all 15 year old kids...drunk you, thinks that you are a lot faster than you actually are lol