Tesla conversations 😁.
I have 64KW what’s you got?
I go 200 miles in mine driving below the speed limit….
I take naps with my self driving features……
My girlfriend and I had sex in the back seat while the car was driving itself….
Those damn charging stations take forever……
I have to pay to charge mine……
I raced a guy in a Hellcat the other day…….
Mines been in the shop for 3 months…….
My interior smells like petroleum……
Mine smells like it’s getting ready to ignite I mean that damn thing gets hot as hell…..
I am saving the world by driving mine……
I don’t go To the Gas station anymore…..
No more Stupid oil changes……..
Ha ha the Ice age owners are screwed they wont be able to buy fuel…….
Elon Musk is my idol he’s so cool……..
Im going to ride in the Space X…….
I can sneak out at midnight and my wife doesn’t hear the car………
Ford and GM think they can make a better car………
People are jealous of me……….
I get special parking………