Not necessarily man. Most folks with law degrees, more than half, do not "practice" law or work in the operational side of lawyering. And lawyers are like everyone else, good ones and bad ones. I don't make millions or anywhere close to that, because I have other businesses and a family that take up my time. I am also what many people say is not the average lawyer - in fact, I don't care to deal with most other "normal" lawyers. I also won't take clients I don't believe in (I take my oath very seriously); nor do I believe in taking folks money at gun point. Know an attorney here who told a oil field worker who was nabbed on a outstanding warrant from years back during routine company truck stop that he couldn't help them without a $3500 non-refundable fee. The warrant was from a failure to appear domestic offense that was years old. Took one phone call to resolve. I can't operate like that. In my other businesses I also can't d it (guy hands me a papersack full of 3500 in cash). I count it out and find $3700 in it, gave them the $200 back; told them to go have a nice dinner or something. But that's neither here nor there.
On the dressing, I don't give a damn about that. Going to court; fine, I have tailored Hong Kong suits for that. Not going to court - cargo shorts, ripstop fishing / hiking shirts, 6" work / hiking boots or freaking Birkenstocks. Your feet are your friends; take care of them (something my father taught me long ago). Also, if you'd like to underestimate me based on my casual dress, I do not mind that at all. Same with used cars. If they're nice enough, get the job done, and don't draw attention, I'm in.