I do do. I wood throe da whole thang away and start ovah. Sum one, whuuse nose whooo, de whoo. Stole my 1 ear ole radar, scrambler detactor. Had er at da dealership and p-aint shop, soo whoose 2 know. Luuck up anutter 1- 2 to day and new impruved it is a whoopen $399. 2 tanks of 93. Rocky Mountain Rad dittar. Cheapah ones buttster dis ones duz up 2- 360 and around up to 2 - 5 miles. Den tay pay fer yoall ticketster. Bettah den haven a 140 in a 55. Ifster in Tn ee see been unda jail witch day don't uneven have. Linder story,, Gal I waz want 2 marry butt woodn't cause her dad didn't thank I waz dee best bass fisher d haven sax wit his daughtahude in da county. Butt I waz. Beeen basterized cents I waz 05 now I waz,, 19. I cuud kick hiz ass butt I wunted 2 kiss her ?? Him bee en a head member of da IBEW and meeze bee in an engineer- management,,, weeze didn't sea two eye 2 eye ova nuttin ass ept fishen and his daughter's 16 year ols ass. Sorry mi friend butt nuttin. I due hope to sea in a munth, buddy hammontree. Great dad and fisheerman. Stayed out of her ruum when needed 2 beez. Oh boyz and gurls,, 19 again. No moe. Cold shower.