Yo Speedster,
Beein da mind set of a fellow 10 o see un, you would understand to read betwee the lines to understand the intellangalence of the under lining of the words. It is a thinking process. Not stupid and or a trap or reading process. But just an exercise of your mind. If you do not process the imagination or time 2 figure it out, then don't. Most peoples do not mind. They think about it. So, do not read whore figure 1s outster. Dummy, itster been a thankin game. Youz shuld thank not sew it alust ov deenaroes in wa fur ass tem 10- 2 figure dis crap outster. I, and my cum pany, spant tunz of $$$ at da Nknee Son Truck Non Victory wind built 1983. Sew thank us fur keep en your eek conumee up. Driven back and frunt 2 Florider avary 2 eeeks. Dat waz a pracess. I waz duen it cause I waz married. Snot ever married again or el visited Murfreed again. Sorry about you'll car.