Oh now we are getting the personal thread....

Damn Dodge you have to give us something new to give our forum (which for the record is the best damn forum in the world

) new excitement to debate over and over and over and over. Kinda like the good old days when the Demon was released and this forum was chatter to the max. Now we are resorting to discussions we are not as good in shape as our Hellcats

. And for the Record 1971 Demon start a poll that looks something like this:
Questions For Forum Members:
Are you older than 50?
Are you older than 60?
Are you older than 70?
Are you older than Dirt?
I have one foot in the grave age?
What is your height under 7'?
What is your height over 6’?
What is your height over 5’?
What is your height a hair over 5’?
What is your weight 170-200lbs?
What is your weight 200-225lbs?
What is your weight 225-250lbs?
What is your weight 250-300lbs?
What is your weight 300-350?
Im just a big old boy and won’t answer.
I have hair on my head?
I have somer hair not a lot?
I have hair but not on my head?
All my body parts function?
Not all my body parts function?
My private parts function most of the time?
I forgot about my private parts (the wife did it)?
I have sex?
I forgot what sex is?
My brain functions correctly?
My brain is fried (too many night extravaganzas)?
My brain can't remember a damn thing (good thing talking to the wife)?
My eyes are excellent?
My eyes are blurred?
My eyes can't unseen things (like my old next door neighbor cutting grass in his underwear)?
My eyes can't take another cataract surgery?
I can't drive once the sun goes down?
Do you have all of your teeth?
I have Dentures and love them?
I still have most of my teeth but tons of fillings and metals?
I lost my front teeth years ago?
My Knees pop every time I move?
I have had many knee replacements?
My shoulders are killing me?
I had shoulder surgery?
My back is killing me?
I had back surgery?
My hands are all intact?
I lost a few fingers?
My hands cramp?
My feet are killing me?
My feet need daily massages?
My toes are still intact?
My toe nails have to be clipped by someone else I can't reach them?
My Hearing is excellent?
I can't hear a damn thing (good thing when the wife starts talking)?
My hearing aids are my friend?
I hate my hearing aids?
I have ringing in my ears?
I hear noises all day?
My nose has more hair than my head?
My Eyebrows have taking on a new life?
I cough a lot?
I sneeze a lot?
I blow my nose too much?
I can't clear my throat?
I feel like something is in my throat?
I can't eat the same foods like I used to?
I eat too much and drink too much?
I stopped eating meat and now a VEGAN?
I stopped drinking and now I am not happy?
I belch a lot?
My stomach talks to me?
Im farting more?
I use the bathroom more?
My breath stinks?
My body odor has changed (just ask my grand kids)?
I thought I knew all the answers?
What year is it?
What day is it?
When are we eating again?
What are we eating?
Do you exercise?
I dont exercise?
I own a gym?
I own a gym never use it?
I own a bicycle?
I never ride my bicycle?
I own a lawnmower?
I pay someone to cut my grass?
I wash my car?
Im too damn lazy I take it to the car wash?
I clean my house?
I pay someone to clean my house?
I do my laundry?
My wife does my laundry?
I love sports?
I hate sports to political?
I own dogs?
I want peace and quiet no animals?
Hey 1971 Demon ask HellcatFan to update the polling options

and look forward to the responses and polling statistics. Wait this is like the DNC IOWA polling will never know the truth