lol, I think you misunderstood me. I am not talking about characters or stories, I'm talking about the cinema / entertainment content as a whole, and the presentation. The originals are far superior to the rest, as movies - the middle trio, suffered "mission creep" for lack of a better term but were at least to some extent internally consistent. The story itself was told (regardless of whether at made sense). But the last few have been shameful, entirely derivative and unimaginative; clearly ground out by studios whose chief occupation is to make a profit. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for profit (that's how I make my living), but there is no heart in these movies, or many now a days. I suspose part of that is driven by the overarching and overwhelming dominance of CGI in all aspects of film now. It makes people lazy. And those who have never seen something good take this pablum as holy writ (not just star wars, but most modern movies) by default.