Agreed, our state, PA, is doing about the same thing, enacting stay at home rules for non essential work but I work for a company considered essential that wants to remain open but then puts out a email to everyone that if they want to stay home they can but will be charged all your accrued sick time then eat away your vacation time then your on your own as we have work so your not laid off so don’t think about collecting. Nice aye?? Mean while I know government employees that their offices shut down about 3 weeks ago and are closed indefinitely but their all getting full pay and benifits from the government because the government has endless taxpayer funds. Such SHIT this whole thing is turning into. Now the latest is this economic stimulus is only going to be for those families making less then X amount per year. And the ones being forced to shut down, the small business owners who can’t collect unemployment either. NICE, it’s 3 am and I can’t sleep either over all this SHIT.