Wish for a street handling version.
Keep the body and its muscle car lines. Lower it some, but make sure you can still clear speed bumps, etc.
Keep the motor (amazing), strenthen drive train. SRT suspension, traction control great, retune as needed. M and A trans avail.
Make it 2 front seats only. Comfortable, manual controls fine, lighter, carbon fiber?, lose some weight.
Speaking of weight, lose 500-1000 lbs. You engineers can figure where to use carbon fiber, etc to lose wt in structure, etc.
Tub the rear to make room for enough rear tire to finally handle the power. 325, 345, 355 ?
Tune suspension for balance with the asymmetric tire setup.
With no rear seats, plenty of room for storage. Make rear area-trunk simple,handsome.
Must have- killer stereo. Come on, plenty of smart people, including on this forum already to help.