Well hell, dats da storiedat I'd din't won't 2 hea. Cents I am staten 2 date a gal 30 yeas youngea dan wa. Buttshae is quiet quet, wit long blond haiha, tight and yungh butt, short just enouch 2 bee penus high, and yungh enough 2 bee my grand daughter. Sew what?? Shaw dosen't want 2 marry me and visa vers us. My bro, marreiod psycologigst 2 anutta psychologist, can luuk up er skurt like all da rest of my fee on says, and say ok. Just don't marry em like da 1st buty queen you did. And what a queen and da bitch. All um wit kids and I don't mean goats, butt dat is ok. I luv children. Grate to play wit and hav fun wit. Younga da kids, younga da moms. Grate combos. Yung gals luv faast cars and hot guys. Wit strong di______ses. Cuul. We bee still be talken about cars, right? Guv mint $$ happens tu bee our $ and dat ain't dat guud. Dodge has taken enough uf buth. Gots mine frum both ends. I am an ulder guy an half paid mi doos, but youz younger dudes ought 2 beez a bit moe care ful wit da dee nareful. Like youz dudes in Cali and NY, been fu____ed bi taxes and fixen solar shits. Youz guys are been taken 2 da cleaners, whore fixen 2. Only bee cauwed I bee en in da buzness cents da 70s. NY, 20050 youz been screwed by makein youz perchuse non gas appliances. Whom pockets r bee en lined wit dis?? Coucin who is da sellen what? Solar panels are bee en sold by whom?? Watch ya'll ass kees. Caly, youz R screwed by a wing nutt and don't scare enugh 2 care. Florida is owns tits way suun. Izze bee ready 2 muve backwards too Tenn intwo da cave. Trump can only spread da cheer fer sew long, den thron out of office again.