Ta last crapper tat dared to attempt to tag my ass at 160. Yepper that waz a snarralying hootster. Didn't even haav a place on da ticket fer that #. Just placed it under, over 50 mph ovah ta speed limit. He assed way, why did ya even slow down? Cause of traffic, I say. I wood have never caught ya and the copter is in the shop ster. He asked,, where's da dope,,no dope eass da 1 youz sea in da mirror. Daaa idiot box didn't even squak. I assked himster, watt kinder of electronics youz usin. He says lazer,, my ass. Mine all so has a scrambler on er. All dista missed by the States Attourney. Snot 2 dare tat again. 2022