Not at all. They can do what they want, it's their club. I just think its kind of juvenile. It used to be about the speed and elapsed times; now its about what type of power source. And like it or not, its very hard for top flight ICE to compete with top flight EV. For me, only, personally, I say run what you brought. Performance is what its about. If they want to make a political statement with the rules, that's their business.
Don't get me wrong, its funny, but I think its unprofessional and tends to detract from the focus of the club, which to me should be the performance of the particular brand they were formed to promote. The manufacturer has the right to build the car the way they want. But then, I don't really consider the latest ICE model of the Corvette to be a "corvette" because of its radical departure from the long standing lay out. Yes the lay out sucked, and yes the new layout had taken the corvette to the next level and I respect it for that performance, but I don't think it's a valid descendent of previous corvettes.