Actually EV batteries like all other rechargeable batteries all age & degrade due to discharge/recharge cycles and not total miles. But carry on.
Your proud you took our tax money for your car, nice.
Your wrong on the current replacement value of batteries along with no of future costs, but again your spreadsheet is flawed on many accounts.
WTF does this have to do with the price of wheat in Denmark?
“Gov't subsidies? Are we taking into account oil and gas subsidies and the massive defense spending that has been needed historically to keep this supply chain afloat? Brown University had done a study estimating around $4 trillion in military operations from 2001-2019. In addition to the direct costs of military operations, there are also other costs associated with protecting oil and gas interests. For example, a 2019 study by the Center for American Progress estimated that the U.S. military spends around $81 billion per year on protecting global oil supplies, including the cost of maintaining a presence in key oil-producing regions, conducting patrols in the Persian Gulf, and providing security for oil infrastructure.”
If the policies of the previous administration would remain, we were a net petroleum exporter. Along with Canada and Mexico, we don’t need shit from the Middle East or anywhere else on earth. Fuck protecting the infinitely disturbed Middle East!
Electricity is sourced in the USA. Agree. But your first post told us about using wind and solar. The energy storage devices (batteries-materials) are NOT sourced here but purchased from our enemies! You avoid that discussion like the plague.
Greenhouse emissions? Give me a break! Discuss how much the USA pollutes compared with other countries please.
Policies say EV’s. Let me put this into simple terms to let you know why most of us are NOT EV positive, besides for the reasons
@TraxMoe listed.
Not a one of us likes being told what to buy. Not a one of us likes what the current administration has done to attempt to MAKE us get EV’s because they wrecked our country in many ways in just two years! You sir have a common liberal mind that cannot understand any of that.
What good is that EV if you cannot charge it except at your home on your own system? You have not put forward any reasons to convince any of us. Actually if you would have said you are looking at a hybrid, I personally can understand that. But to attempt to make us believe an EV is ok in 2023? Nope not yet if at all, because the USA don’t have a plan or current resources for fueling EV’s. After the feds suck enough of you in, our electricity rates are going to be dramatically higher. What is bad is the feds are going to build the charging stations. That is socialism, sir. We live in the USA. I am a Disabled Vet along with many on here and we defended our freedom. You are complying we will not. I personally do not agree with using my money to pay you, to finance charging stations or to basically give any money directly or through tax benefits that help direct anyone to make different decisions or benefits that don’t effect 100% of us. Those tax credits and write offs for a EV purchase are not fair, period.
What do you pay for an EV for road taxes (building and maintenance dollars for your city, county, state and federal). We pay $0.15-$0.67 per gallon at the pump depending on your state. That’s $12 a Hellcat tank in California.
We know folks like you cannot be persuaded the same as you understand we will not comply and be persuaded to the other direction.