EVs...meh, no soul; actually souless.
My wife and daughter just drove from CT to AZ a few weeks back, 2900+ total miles in just over 3 days in a '21 Jeep Wrangler Willys. Try that in an EV and days turn into weeks with the time spent at a charging station and they're no "faster" than a horse and carriage...!
Trying my best to leave politics out of it, neither the technology nor the infrastructure are anywhere near where they need to be to support/sustain a significant increase in EVs, where total ownership is currently in the low single digits.
The environmental destruction that goes hand in hand with mining for the materials required for EVs batteries aside, batteries can only be charged/discharged/recharged so many cycles before they require replacement and that's the other argument that EV proponents have no response to. The replacement cost of EV batteries/battery packs is insanely high and literally cost prohibitive, which effective turns them into disposal vehicles. This story made the rounds only a few short weeks ago for example:
That story is hardly anecdotal and is another significant EV issue that there's no getting around, not to mention the fact that it's hardly "green" to throw the EV baby out with the bathwater.
Hybrids/EVs certainly have applications in urban areas, but where I live in rural Arizona, hardly. I've seen a few conversations here about the 1/2 mile runway run at Gila Bend, just down the street from there is a Hardy's with a Tesla charging station, and the last time I went through there it was packed because anyone whose been on that stretch of the interstate knows it's like Mars, and this time of year you do NOT want to get stuck on the side of the road, when prolonged exposure is literally a life or death matter.
I hope you don't need to tow your super quick EV to the track to humiliate all those ICE machine lovers with your EV truck, 'cause you're gonna run outta luck their too cowboy...
HARD nope.