So how far was the total trip in miles?
What did it cost $$$$ to run the Lightning to your destination vs the Super Snake? Some of your charge was free, so any idea what it would have cost if it wasnt using the 150 with the 350?
Did you get enough time on the 350 charger before it puked to get an idea of how fast it would have charged had the charger not quit? and at .46 cents a KW hr, what would that have cost? I think you said 2.2 miles per KW hr is .20 cents a mile at that rate?
You kept saying the lightning is such a fun truck. What is so much more "fun" about it vs a regular pickup?
What fun factor makes up for adding 3-5 hours to a long drive vs gas n go and getting to your destination on time? Granted you wont always encounter the problems you had, but when "everyone" has an EV and demand for charging is the equivalent of what it is for gas pumps now, what will that look like. Particularly with out of service chargers.
Interesting experience nonetheless. Interested to see how the return trip goes.