The octane is the more subtle color, for me and let me preface this by saying color is truly in the eye of the beholder, the torred pops way better and attracts your attention in a much more aggressive manner, the octane is subtle and looks best at dusk/dawn whereas the torred looks good in the sun or under the lights, go mango is my first choice because of its ability to show as orange or red but unfortunately the demonic seats absolutely clash with the exterior, both octane and torred go fine w/the red seats.
The red seats to me make the interior pop, some may say they look tacky but in my opinion a full black interior looks very bland or normal... almost like any other sxt,r/t, scat pack, etc etc whereas the red gives it some contrast. I also find black tends to show dust and dirt a whole lot quicker than any other color.
But I digress because color is something that looks completely different from one person to the next and sometimes even seeing them at different times of the day can sway you in a different direction.