Damn if I didn’t buy Fords I think I am the only one here buying cars😁. It has gotten awful quiet in this Forum on new car purchases😳. Dodge IMO is dragging it way too long for a new product and unfortunately now milking it to the MAX by CHARGING huge monies. I love new and different products and if Dodge had anything exciting I have not already owned I would pick it up. But sincerely 4 Challengers later and 3 Charger’s later I have had my fun and waiting to see the next exciting thing. Owned all the Rams, Jeeps and got bored of those and wanted a change up, That is just who I am and damn talk about the never ending hate the Ford😂 uh huh. Guess if I stop talking about Fords we just go back to the 1000th post what tires should I buy🤪