Maybe, maybe not...only time will tell. But if nobody paid ADM it wouldn't exist. My money is on someone will pay it. It doesn't make them stupid or the dealer greedy, it just means they chose to spend their money differently than you. I wouldn't do it but more power to you if you would and more power to the dealer that gets it.
I actually completely understood what you were saying. What you didn't understand is why you begrudge someone making as much money as they can. Everyone should. No one is forcing you to pay their asking price. You also don't seem to understand that it's Koon's (one of the dealers you compliment for selling at a discount) that's asking $30K over for the Jailbreak.
Take the flipside. For grins I solicited prices for my 2020 from Carvana and Vroom and one other one. For the right price I would have sold it and ordered a new Redeye. I didn't get the price I wanted so I stood pat. That didn't make Carvana and Vroom cheapskates and it didn't make me greedy, it just meant we couldn't make a deal.
I'm not begruding them for trying to make more money, like I said they are opportunistic, what I'm saying is in this case it really doesn't make sense to limit production (if that's what stellantis is doing) and then B charging markup for a car that's no different than any other redeye except its trim name.
I'm pointing out that it's not just a dealer issue, the fault lies on the manufacturer just as much as the dealer.
If the Jailbreak was a special edition with 850 hp or 900 hp, or whatever else to make it special then by all means ask for adm, but it's no different than last years Redeye 🤣.
Almost Every dealer in this market is greedy, they all refuse manufacturer set plans like employee pricing, a/x/z plan, they are all bumping the mf/apr wherever they can, charging adm's on mass produced vehicles, unwanted packages are being forced to be bought or you don't buy the car, etc etc.
Whatever you thought dealers were in the past is 100x worse today because there is a shortage of supply and a skyrocket in demand. I have no problems with dealers offering no discounts, but to then turn around and bonk as many customers on the head as possible is a completely different thing.
Like I said any shenanigans that are/were done in the past are being compounded today, I'm seeing dealers force "prep" packages with bs like nitro fill,rust protection etc etc for $2500,$3500,$4500, etc etc.
I never have sympathy for dealers because it's a business, but on top of that it's a business with some of the sneakiest people you may ever meet.
When the market corrects in 12-24 months you will see how different dealers act.