@Magnified this to me is the most important part of the article! Remember the the Demon that Trans caught fire and burnt up because it was not correctly cared about.
"Fortunately, all of those people along the road, carrying coolers full of cold drinks where quick to help. Golden opened his hood and passersby attacked the flames with bottles of water, coolers of ice and anything else that might slow the flames. Less than a minute later,
a swarm of racers including Modern Street Hemi Shootout boss Dan VanHorn had run from the parking lot with fire extinguishers to battle the fire while other members of the modern Mopar community dug into the trunk to remove the fuel pump fuses in order to prevent the fire from continuing. All said and done, it only took a few minutes before the flames and smoke were gone, with the crowd gathering around the burned muscle car sitting in the “fast lane” of
Woodward Avenue. "
@motorhead could know who some Tuners
As he posted who learns some HPT Tuning and think they are experts.
"Most tuners are utter trash. Consider for one moment who these people are: literally someone who bought HP Tuners online and started farting around, same as you and I could. They find a few key parameters (like raising the rev limiter and shift points) through trial and error (plus a little educated guessing), and blamo canned tunes for all! Think about it for a moment: Stage 1, 2, 3, 4, eleventy billion, all come as packages which includes a canned tune that is slightly tweaked to suit minor variances from car to car. Getting to this point required using
your car as a test-bed - hence 90 dyno pulls to find a marginal improvement for that amateur in the article above. If you go back through the HP Tuners forum post history of most of the major players all asked novice questions (when they joined) about shit they claim to be an expert in, and charge big money for, today."
My point is I'd rather pay to play and have an expert Hemi Tuner and their opinion.
There are Tune stealers and try to pass off someones hard work as their own. But the newer years have more Tuning Calibrations to learn.
So you are correct
@Magnified and I apologize to
@motorhead and
@Hemituner for taking things wrongly.
My point still stands that Hellcat powered vehicles should be Tuned by an expert Modern Hemi Tuner.