I was ALMOST one of those cars that you occasionally see that goes off the edge of PCH and lands in the water down below, way down, way way way down below...
My cousin invited me up to visit her in Monterey while she was in the Army's language training center, I was in the USMC stationed down at Tustin (CA). So I made the drive up to see her. We were looking for something to do and she said, let's go drive "PCH". I said, "What's PCH?" To which I get the "It's this really fun road to drive fast on."
Let's go!
So there I am, very late at night (completely dark) driving very hard on this fun little road. I didn't have a REAL sense for what I was on. The cliffs on one side were obvious, the guard rails (in some spots) on the other side were as well. To say that I didn't have a good understanding of where I was at is an
understatement??? But as much as anything, I was focused on the turns....
The turns....
Anybody know PCH well?
Anybody know how much of a driver I
wasn't when I was 19-20?
U.S. Marine, young, dumb and full of... Lots and lots of testosterone?
The turns...
Didn't make one, understeer, sliding towards the outside, and then for whatever reason decide to make a correction to the inside...
End up in one of the very few soft spots on the inside, cliff-side, high centered on one of the very few spots of dirt... PCH anyone?
Go find a ROCK, place it under the rear-right drive wheel and proceed to kick it in hard enough to shatter my ankle, but still kept kicking it in.
This was enough to launch off of the dirt mound that was high centering the car and drive up through the ditch.
My cousin gets back in the car (she's still white as a ghost, I'm still not understanding why at this point???)
We drive off just as LEO's are arriving, but in enough time that it's not apparent that we were the ones that had driven off of the road.
The next day (and after an explanation from my cousin as to why she's freaked out more than what seemed reasonable given the circumstances) we go back and looked at what we DIDN'T do...
PCH anyone???
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(Just an example image I quickly found, I don't know exactly where we almost died....)
I have this and another story (amongst many other car-near death stories) from my youth/car days that's very different, but just as bad (and the car was absolutely totaled) that to this day makes me wonder how in the hell I'm alive. Flying as a Crewchief makes you numb to a lot of risk, and I lived on the edge for a very long time. Sometimes it's why I think I still like VMax like the Standing Mile, maximum energy, maximum risk, maximum death potential. Never lift!
Pictures from the same car, end of its life. It's why I hate drunk driving. The second story referenced above, same car.
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