Just amazuz wa how much time and $$ these individuals will infest wit a dare $$s. No gov regulations,suppliers, disposal situationzs and du utters infested wit red, green, silva, purpile tape wrapped all around it. 2 eeks ago I had an eepithamee cuntcerning dis ev situation. Now just why duz ya think the government is pushin dis regulation?? EnviroMental? Nope, try about national dee fence. Dee guvermints wants us to get off da oil wagoon and trader off 2 China fer murcarry, lead, eatin machineez. No moe oil intruscions fer da gas, but traden it off 2 China witch is holden $$$ notes frum us all ready?? Now dis duz snot make much moe spence. Back door 2 da out house dealenzs again. Bidenz ain't smart eunuff 2 pull dis off, hell he can't pull his britchez up. Piss ant. No, dare is a problem 2 dis story. Why I say, throw em all out. Dis back door of da out house snot letten usters know da real story is insane. Spend moe time and $$ on indicting Trump fer snot maken dat hole in 2 many in Wash mee ton befoe he waz thrown out.