How about the fan relay(s)? I used to jumper one of them so I can keep the fans running in the staging lanes with the engine off. At least try jumping it to check if they turn on. Just a simple wire with male spade plugs on each end. Then you know if the relay is bad. At least this worked in the older LX's. I haven't looked if the relays are still the same now Maybe
@Diboblo can help.
Great idea. Single fan, Hellcat, uses an inline dropping resistor for slow speed fan ops. For high speed ops, it's full 12v. There are 2 fuses 3 and 19, in the front power distribution block, as well as 2 relays (hs and ls).
All can be checked, in a few minutes, except for the dropping resistor.
If you have AlfaOBD, you can ping the fan and check relay ops and fan ops.
Sometimes, with those 50 amp box fuses, it's easier just to replace them.
Lastly, no harm in removing the relays and wiggling them, in the socket. Oxidation can cause havoc, depending on how humid your area is, or has been.
Yes, the jumper method is a great idea! I believe that was called the
25 cent fan mod, back in the day. Easy to test. Just keep your hands away from the fan... even with the engine/car off. It has a life of it's own.